Monday, 20 June 2011

Nice Niche.

"Life is a box of chocolates", Forrest Gump's mother told him. What she neglected to add is just how massive this box of chocolates is. Then again, Forrest was a rather simple lad and this extension to the life lesson may have confused him.

We can attempt to sample every chocolate in the chocolate box of life but given our time constraint (death) it would prove to be an impossible and silly task. Furthermore, there are ALOT of chocolates. That's why we treat life in the same way we would treat an ordinary box of chocolates. We find our favourites and then stick to them. If you present a pack of Quality Streets to me, I would have already decided upon my selection before you had even opened the packet. This is because when it comes to Quality Streets, I know my niche.

A niche by definition is a situation or activity specially suited to a person's interests, abilities, or nature.

To quote Anna (Misty): "The expression, 'Jack of all trades', is not so much a compliment as it is an insult". It reaffirms and relates to another expression: "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride". The two go hand in hand. No one is ever great at everything. However, we are all good at some things. Therefore the more time we spend wasted on the things we are not good at; the more we impede our growth and prosperity in the things we are. But your niche in life is not solely dependent on where your talents lie. It is rather a combination of ability and interest.

One can be good at one thing and enjoy another. Ability does not always translate into enjoyment. I, for instance, am a rather good swimmer. When I was younger, I would put in the bear minimum amount of training and end up placing in the top three nationally. Did this make me enjoy the sport more? Possibly. The feeling of accomplishment and success is never going entice a negative emotion. If you disagree with this sentiment, take it up with Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. But it didn't convert my hatred of every minute spent in the pool to something more positive. So I put the swimming costume and goggles away and said farewell to my aquatic sporting torture.

"You could have been and olympic medalist", my grandparents constantly remind me.
Yes, I could possibly have been. A suicidal olympic medalist, but an olympic medalist nonetheless.

Some food for thought: If you're really good at something but despise every moment doing it, you're likely to not get much better and improve. On the other hand, if you're rather average at something that you're passionate about and love doing, you'll probably end up in a better space than the afore mentioned bloke. Talent can take you so far. After that, it's up to you. The proverb, 'practice makes perfect', holds true for most sphere's of life. The more you do it, the better you get at it.

So this niche thing; Im still trying to figure out for myself. I know where my interests lie and I know what I'm good at. I just can't decide upon the best combination for myself. I need to find it fast though. Let's wrap this up with a quote: "Above all, be true to yourself and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it." Them words so wise it make you wanna slap yo mamma!


  1. ...given our time constraint (death) - Sure, I get that.

  2. Are you having a career path decision dilemma? Speak to me about this! 67
